Monday, July 2, 2007

Daisy State Park and Diamond Hunting and A Rat

We drove to Daisy State park which was wonderful. i loved it. That was just to stay. We pitched our tent. We went to sleep. We got up I made a spider web with the nature directer. You take a black sheet of construction paper and spray hair spray. Then spray the spider web white and put the black paper behind the web and capture it, after that I went to Murfreesburro, were we went diamond hunting. We didn't find anything except an amethyst. Then I went to their water park. It was so hot it felt really nice. Then we went back cooked dinner and slept. I got up the next morning and I went back to the nature center. I did a nature scavenger hunt. Then the directer gave me a painted rock. We left. We found a hotel and saw Ratatouille. I really liked it. We went to sleep at 1 AM.

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