Friday, June 8, 2007

Ready to Leave

Louisa and her mom will be taking care of our pets while we are gone. Lousia is a vet from Australia and will be spending the year at Virginia Tech.

I'm ready to leave I only worry about the rest of my family. they are last minute packing. the day came so fast I think it hit them fast. I will miss Jenny and Metsuki and of course Dragon. Though I will try to have the best vacation I can. We will leave hopefully in about an 1 1/2 hours. I have a rush of emotions nervous, excited, sad, happy. I worked so hard on this trip I hope nothing will go wrong. Yet somehow I know something will go wrong.

Like what if i did something wrong in the travel guide. How I made it was I took info. off the comp. like times, cost, and interesting facts. I put it in order of the way we are driving in a giant binder. With some anime pictures here and there of what I kind of look like. For anyone that has no clue what anime is it's Japanese cartoons. I got my photos on a website called and in the search box you type anime girl (it works with boy too) you can find amazing fan art, and yes it's only fan art but most pics are really good (some are inappropriate for younger kids)just a tip do anime elf girl they are beautiful like this 1 click on the link.

Stay updated.Ciao for now ~Amber


Dawn said...
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Dawn said...

Your "Why" is classic being a Boyer says it all. I hope you have fun and I will check in daily and hopefully get to meet you when the family makes it to Florida.